Channel Islands Fuels are pleased to be able to offer an advanced biofuel, as a customer option to help reduce carbon emissions.
Branded locally as Bio-Max100, it outperforms other biodiesels and fossil diesel in cutting global carbon emissions from diesel engines by up to 90% over its lifecycle.
Bio-Max100 is clear, odourless and is refined from 100% renewable sources such as vegetable oils from rapeseed, sunflower and soybean, and waste fats such as animal fats or used cooking oil. It has improved combustion and cold temperature resistance meaning it is better for diesel vehicles, particularly in the Channel Islands where journeys are short, and engines don’t reach full operating temperature. Operationally, BioMax100 can replace regular fossil diesel today!
At a local level, air quality will improve, with a significant reduction in smoke, particulates, NOx and carbon monoxide. Then at a global level the carbon emissions during the lifecycle of the fuel are reduced by up to 90%, because the carbon being released in the atmosphere is offset by the carbon absorbed by plants in the production of the fuel, creating a virtuous global carbon cycle.
BioMax100 has been trialled in Guernsey with heavy commercial vehicle fleets for several months and operators report marked improvement in both engine performance and reduced smoke emissions. Whilst BioMax100 is new to the Channel Islands, it has been widely used in Scandinavia for the last 10 years. The new fuel is compatible with existing diesel engines and there is no need for vehicle modifications.
Initially, BioMax100 is available at Jeffrey’s Service Station in Guernsey.
We are also able to supply direct to commercial fleets and businesses who have their own diesel storage in both islands.
For more information please contact out Customer Service Team on 249151 in Guernsey
Global Benefits
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100% renewable and sustainable diesel
Produced from waste fats, residues, and vegetable oils, classified as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). CIFL BioMax100 Renewable Diesel uses the same feedstocks to produce Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) but uses a different refining process, which removes the issues seen with FAME like, microbiological growth, long term stability, water contamination, higher vehicle maintenance.
Smaller global environmental footprint
BioMax100 Renewable Diesel is produced from 100% renewable materials, so over the lifecycle of the fuel it can help its users reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%, when fuel compared to conventional fossil diesel.
The carbon dioxide released upon combustion equals the amount that renewable raw material has absorbed earlier, bringing balance to the carbon lifecycle. There are also significant local benefits to BioMax100 Renewable Diesel.
Local Benefits, Improved Air Quality
100% Renewable Diesel offers the following benefits*, which reduce local heavy duty traffic related emissions and improve air quality in city centres:
33% lower levels of fine particulates (and a smaller number of particulates in general)
9% less nitrogen oxides (NOx)
30% less hydrocarbons (HC)
24% lower carbon monoxide (CO) emissions
Reduced levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
BioMax100 Renewable Diesel offers a solution to reduce local emissions straight away. The older and less developed the engine, the clearer the emission-cutting benefits from BioMax100 Renewable Diesel.
* Average emission reduction figures are derived from studies on Renewable Diesel and HVO fuels when 100% Renewable Diesel has been used as the fuel. Vehicle emissions have been compared to those of conventional sulphur-free diesel. Findings are published in over 40 scientific publications.
High performance
Together with a high cetane number (minimum of 70 vs 50 for traditional diesel) the fuel ensures an efficient and clean combustion, and provides the vehicle with extra power compared to, for instance, traditional biodiesel (FAME).
Easy to use
Fully compatible with the existing fuel distribution infrastructure, no additional investments needed.
No blending limit
Can be used as such (100% Renewable Diesel), or in any blending ratio with conventional diesel.
Excellent storage properties
The fuel can be stored over long periods without deterioration in quality or water accumulation.
The fuel is sulphur-free, oxygen-free, and aromatics-free.
Superior cold weather performance
Suitable for very cold weather conditions.
Bio-Max100 Renewable Diesel – FAQs
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What is BioMax100 Renewable Diesel?
BioMax100 is an entirely new type of fuel. It is produced from 100% renewable materials so over its lifecycle it can help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%. It is sulphur free, oxygen-free and odourless and is suitable for very cold conditions and can be stored over long periods without deterioration in quality or water accumulation, unlike some 1st generation biofuels.
How is it made?
BioMax100 is produced using waste fats, residues and vegetable oils and is classified as a Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil. BioMax100 has an identical chemical structure to regular diesel and can therefore replace fossil diesel today. It has better combustion, filterability and cold temperature resistance meaning it is better for diesel vehicles, particularly in the Channel Islands where most journeys are short, and engines don’t always reach full operating temperature.
Does BioMax100 contain Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)?
BioMax100 uses the same feedstocks as FAME but a different refining process that removes some of the issues experienced with FAME such as microbiological growth, long-term stability problems, water contamination and in some circumstances, higher vehicle maintenance costs.
Does BioMax100 contain Palm Oil?
Yes, BioMax100 contains a small amount of palm oil, up to a maximum of 20%.
We have selected to work with a refinery that only uses a small amount of sustainably grown palm oil. The palm oil is sourced from farms which are traced and audited and only use trees which are over 10 years old.
The refinery, Neste, is a member of RSPO and the palm oil used is RSPO certified. Neste requires all their palm oil suppliers to be members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) organisation. The organisation requires its members to commit themselves to respecting human rights and protecting rainforests.
The WWF highlights that as the palm oil is RSPO certified it ‘give you the confidence that the palm oil was produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way.’
What does sustainably grown and traced mean?
Renewable Diesel is available from many distributors and refiners , some of them still use a significant proportion of palm oil in there feedstock.
That is why Channel Islands Fuels has decided to source its Renewable Diesel directly from Neste, a company who has managed to transform from a regional oil refining company into a global leader in renewable fuels.
Neste’ raw material feedstock is made of more than ten different raw materials and is focusing on waste and residue oils. However Palm Oil still accounts for approximately 20% of the raw material feedstock.
All of it is certified and fully traceable and represents less than 0.5% of the global consumption of palm oil, and less than 3% of the global consumption within the biofuel industry.
Traceability goes all the way to the plantation level. Oil is sourced carefully from screened, responsible producers in Malaysia and Indonesia that are committed to certification and principles of sustainability. Palm oil is sourced directly from the producer companies instead of purchasing separate certificates from the world market.
Channel Islands Fuels and Neste share the same value of regularly engaging directly with their own suppliers. Buying directly provides better transparency and influence in the supply chain – the more direct the supply chain, the better.
Neste transparently disclose their forest footprint as part of the CDP Forests program. In January 2019, Neste’s deforestation risk management performance was evaluated as belonging to the leading performers lists.
More details can be found on:
Why is it good for reducing carbon emissions?
Because BioMax100 is produced from 100% renewable sources, over its lifecycle it can help users reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%, when compared to conventional diesel. The carbon dioxide released through combustion offsets the amount that the renewable source has absorbed earlier, bringing greater balance to the carbon lifecycle.
BioMax100 does not add additional carbon into the atmosphere; this is the key benefit when compared with products based on fossil fuel like diesel and 1st generation biofuels. There is no Carbon extracted from the ground.
How will it help me make an impact on climate change globally?
BioMax100 will help reduce local traffic emissions, in particular with vans and trucks in town. This is especially beneficial when you consider most local drivers make short journeys and spend a lot of time in traffic congestion, especially at the start and end of the day. Scientific studies show that when BioMax100 is used in its 100% renewable form it can result in:
33% lower levels of fine particulates
9% less nitrogen oxide
30% less hydrocarbons
24% lower carbon monoxide emissions
Reduced levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
BioMax100 will help reduce local carbon emissions immediately and the older and less developed the engine is, the greater the impact will be.
I have a diesel vehicle, can I use BioMax100 now?
BioMax100 can be added to your tank now and drivers of diesel vehicles can start to reduce their emissions immediately. BioMax100 is fully compatible with the existing fuel distribution infrastructure. It can be used as 100% renewable diesel or blended with conventional diesel, which means you can put it in your tank now and there is no need for any modifications to your vehicle.
If you have any concerns it is always worth speaking with your vehicle manufacturer.
Will my engine performance be affected?
BioMax100 may actually improve your engine performance because it has a higher cetane rating than conventional diesel (70 vs 50) and therefore operates more efficiently with cleaner combustion.
Why is Channel Islands Fuels introducing this fuel?
Channel Islands Fuels is a pan-island business and has built a strong reputation for supplying high quality fuels in the Channel Islands. We have always embraced change and new technology and invested in our infrastructure to make sure our products and services are of the highest standard.
We recognise the global climate emergency and the contribution to this of fossil fuels. We are committed to helping our governments meet their commitments to reduce carbon emissions in the most practical way, particularly in the two main areas of our business: fuel for home heating and for road and marine use.
How is BioMax100 different from other biofuels?
Unlike some 1st generation biofuels containing FAME, which are blended into fossil fuels, BioMax100 does not have to be blended and meets the toughest requirements set by the automotive industry, avoiding the storage issues sometimes associated with them. It is fully compatible with all modern diesel engines in cars, buses, trucks and non-road machinery and is also suitable for marine and shipping clients, who have so far had to avoid using biofuels with FAME.
At a local level the exhaust emissions will improve air quality when compared to 1st generation biofuels and fossil diesel; there is a significant reduction in particulates, NOx and carbon monoxide. Then at a global level the carbon emissions are reduced by up to 90%, due to no new carbon being released in the atmosphere during the lifecycle of the fuel, creating a virtuous global carbon cycle.
Why shouldn’t I just switch to electric?
At the moment everyone is talking about electric vehicles and, of course, they are one option as part of the mix of opportunities to cut carbon emissions. But they are expensive to buy, not in plentiful supply and may not be the best long-term solution, because of the environmental and financial cost of building, replacing and recycling the batteries and the amount of new infrastructure that has to be invested in to encourage mass adoption.
The amount of carbon emissions related to car manufacturing and recycling is significant, sometimes even more for long range EVs and its batteries; keeping your existing car avoids it.
This may not be a challenge locally but for people who want to take their vehicles to the UK or Europe, range is a concern. Significant sums need to be invested to make electric vehicles a common reality on our roads
Many vehicles that currently run on conventional diesel will still be on the roads for years to come so we are in a transition period and nobody can say how long that will last. BioMax100 can have an immediate impact and start reducing carbon emissions during this transition period.
More likely fuels such as renewable diesel and in the future, hydrogen cell technology, will provide a more sustainable answer in the longer term.
Where can I get it?
Channel islands Fuels are currently supplying Jeffrey’s with more forecourts expected to come on board shortly.
We can also supply direct to businesses in both islands for their fleet vehicles.